Latest Episodes2025-01-21T20:35:56+00:00

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James Staley

Latest episode

Episode 323: Jaro Andruszkiewicz, Phalanx

Jarosław “Jaro” Andruszkiewicz is a co-founder of PHALANX, a publishing company specializing in unique board games. He co-designed the games Magnates and Race to the Rhine with Valdemar Gumienny, and Hannibal & Hamilcar with Mark Simonitch.

In his daily work, he oversees publishing operations and, most importantly, serves as the creative director, setting the direction for the design of original games. He also manages projects, discovering new games and collaborating directly with designers, developers, and artists.

His latest title, Hands in the Sea is currently available on Gamefound here: Hands in the Sea


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