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Episode 332: Timon Thöne, Syncanite Games
Episode 332: Timon Thöne, Syncanite Games
Timon is the author and designer of Syncanite Foundation, The Ultimate Strategy & Conspiracy Game. Timon’s dream about Syncanite Foundation began back in 2010, when he decided to write a novel out of the childish dream to make a video game. He completed his novel in 2015, which became the foundation for a prototype of a visual novel in 2017 that he expanded in 2018 by adding 3D content, animations and interaction points through the use of Augmented Reality. For that, Arkanite Productions (how he was then known) won the Special Innovation Award at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2019. More prizes were to follow as he and his team of friends & nerds constantly challenged the limits of storytelling through technology. Now the next natural evolution of his story takes root in a Syncanite Foundation the Ultimate Strategy & Conspiracy Game. Check out Syncanite Foundation on Kickstarter here: Syncanite Foundation