Mark Pecota – the CEO and Co-founder of LaunchBoom ⁠– a global team of experts who help creators turn their product ideas into real businesses. His deep knowledge of crowdfunding, digital marketing, and scaling companies has been critical to the success of not only his clients, but also his company LaunchBoom, helping creators raise over $125M through crowdfunding since 2013. He is the author of Crowdfunded – the #1 best selling book on crowdfunding, where he breaks down the step-by-step system he and his team have used to launch thousands of products in dozens of categories. Maria Dutton – Maria Dutton is the Product Launch Director at LaunchBoom, spearheading the LaunchBoom Games program with a focus on crowdfunding initiatives within the tabletop game realm. With over three years of dedicated experience in the crowdfunding space and a love for tabletop games, Maria leads LaunchBoom’s client relations and plays a pivotal role in guiding creators through strategic planning for their upcoming launches. To learn more about Launchboom and how they can help your next campaign, visit